Uses of Class

Packages that use ItemBuilder
Package Description
  • Uses of ItemBuilder in wtf.choco.arrows.util

    Methods in wtf.choco.arrows.util that return ItemBuilder
    Modifier and Type Method Description
    @NotNull ItemBuilder ItemBuilder.amount​(int amount)
    Set the item amount.
    @NotNull ItemBuilder ItemBuilder.attribute​(@NotNull org.bukkit.attribute.Attribute attribute, @NotNull org.bukkit.attribute.AttributeModifier modifier)
    Add an attribute modifier to this item.
    @NotNull ItemBuilder ItemBuilder.damage​(int damage)
    Set the item damage.
    @NotNull ItemBuilder ItemBuilder.enchantment​(@NotNull org.bukkit.enchantments.Enchantment enchantment, int level)
    Apply an enchantment with the specified level to the item.
    @NotNull ItemBuilder ItemBuilder.flags​(@NotNull org.bukkit.inventory.ItemFlag... flags)
    Apply flags to the item.
    @NotNull ItemBuilder ItemBuilder.localizedName​(@Nullable String name)
    Set the item's localized name.
    @NotNull ItemBuilder ItemBuilder.lore​(@NotNull String... lore)
    Set the item lore in the form of varargs.
    @NotNull ItemBuilder ItemBuilder.lore​(@Nullable List<String> lore)
    Set the item lore in the form of a List<String>.
    @NotNull ItemBuilder ItemBuilder.modelData​(int data)
    Set the item's custom model data flag.
    static @NotNull ItemBuilder ItemBuilder.modify​(@NotNull org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack item)
    Get a new instance of ItemBuilder to modify an existing ItemStack.
    @NotNull ItemBuilder​(@Nullable String name)
    Set the item name.
    static @NotNull ItemBuilder ItemBuilder.of​(@NotNull org.bukkit.Material type)
    Get a new instance of an ItemBuilder given a (non-null and non-air) Material.
    static @NotNull ItemBuilder ItemBuilder.of​(@NotNull org.bukkit.Material type, int amount)
    Get a new instance of an ItemBuilder given a (non-null and non-air) Material and a quantity greater than 0 and less than or equal to Material.getMaxStackSize().
    <T extends org.bukkit.inventory.meta.ItemMeta>
    @NotNull ItemBuilder
    ItemBuilder.specific​(@NotNull Class<T> type, @NotNull Consumer<T> applier)
    Apply a method from a more specific type of ItemMeta to this ItemBuilder instance.
    @NotNull ItemBuilder ItemBuilder.unbreakable()
    Set the unbreakable state of this item to true.