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All Classes and Interfaces|All Packages|Constant Field Values|Serialized Form


AIR_QUALITY_TARGET - Static variable in class wtf.choco.dyson4j.setting.FanState
The target air quality the fan will attempt to achieve with its filter.
AirQualityMonitor - Enum Class in wtf.choco.dyson4j.setting
Represents the state of the air quality monitor.
AirQualityTarget - Enum Class in wtf.choco.dyson4j.setting
The air quality target.
asJsonObject() - Method in class wtf.choco.dyson4j.mqtt.message.DysonMqttMessage
Get this message as a JsonObject.
asMqttMessage() - Method in class wtf.choco.dyson4j.mqtt.message.DysonMqttMessage
Get this message as a MqttMessage.
AUTO - Enum constant in enum class wtf.choco.dyson4j.setting.FanMode
The fan will turn on and off according to environmental values.
AUTO - Enum constant in enum class wtf.choco.dyson4j.setting.FanSpeed
Automatic power according to environmental targets.


BETTER - Enum constant in enum class wtf.choco.dyson4j.setting.AirQualityTarget
Maintains an extremely high air quality for those very sensitive to particles and pollutants.


CELSIUS - Enum constant in enum class wtf.choco.dyson4j.setting.TemperatureUnit
The Celsius scale (C°).
checkArgument(boolean, Supplier<String>) - Static method in class wtf.choco.dyson4j.util.Preconditions
Check whether or not the provided condition is true, else throw an IllegalArgumentException with the provided message.
checkArgument(boolean, String) - Static method in class wtf.choco.dyson4j.util.Preconditions
Check whether or not the provided condition is true, else throw an IllegalArgumentException with the provided message.
connect() - Method in interface wtf.choco.dyson4j.DysonFan
Connect to the Dyson fan.
connect(int, TimeUnit) - Method in interface wtf.choco.dyson4j.DysonFan
Connect to the Dyson fan.
connect(int, TimeUnit) - Method in class wtf.choco.dyson4j.mqtt.FanMqttConnectionHandler
Connect the MQTT client to the fan's address using internal connection options.
connect(int, TimeUnit) - Method in class wtf.choco.dyson4j.StandardDysonFan


DeviceStatus - Interface in wtf.choco.dyson4j
Represents a Dyson fan's status as queried by DysonFan.requestCurrentState().
DIFFUSE - Enum constant in enum class wtf.choco.dyson4j.setting.FocusMode
The fan will diffuse air in the general area in front of it.
disconnect() - Method in interface wtf.choco.dyson4j.DysonFan
Disconnect from the Dyson fan.
disconnect(boolean) - Method in interface wtf.choco.dyson4j.DysonFan
Disconnect from the Dyson fan.
disconnect(boolean) - Method in class wtf.choco.dyson4j.mqtt.FanMqttConnectionHandler
Disconnect the MQTT client from the fan.
disconnect(boolean) - Method in class wtf.choco.dyson4j.StandardDysonFan
DO_NOTHING - Enum constant in enum class wtf.choco.dyson4j.setting.ResetFilterState
Do absolutely nothing.
DYSON_360_EYE - Enum constant in enum class wtf.choco.dyson4j.FanModel
Dyson 360 Eye.
DYSON_PURE_COOL - Enum constant in enum class wtf.choco.dyson4j.FanModel
Dyson Pure Cool.
DYSON_PURE_COOL_DESKTOP - Enum constant in enum class wtf.choco.dyson4j.FanModel
Dyson Pure Cool Desktop.
DYSON_PURE_COOL_HUMIDIFY - Enum constant in enum class wtf.choco.dyson4j.FanModel
Dyson Pure Cool Humidify.
DYSON_PURE_COOL_LINK_DESK - Enum constant in enum class wtf.choco.dyson4j.FanModel
Dyson Pure Cool Link Desk.
DYSON_PURE_COOL_LINK_TOWER - Enum constant in enum class wtf.choco.dyson4j.FanModel
Dyson Pure Cool Link Tower.
DYSON_PURE_HOT_COOL - Enum constant in enum class wtf.choco.dyson4j.FanModel
Dyson Pure Hot+Cool.
DYSON_PURE_HOT_COOL_LINK_TOWER - Enum constant in enum class wtf.choco.dyson4j.FanModel
Dyson Pure Hot+Cool Link Tower.
DysonConnectionException - Exception in wtf.choco.dyson4j.exception
Thrown when a connection-related error occurs with a DysonFan.
DysonConnectionException(String) - Constructor for exception wtf.choco.dyson4j.exception.DysonConnectionException
Construct a new DysonConnectionException.
DysonConnectionException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception wtf.choco.dyson4j.exception.DysonConnectionException
Construct a new DysonConnectionException.
DysonFan - Interface in wtf.choco.dyson4j
Represents a Dyson fan.
DysonFanCredentials - Class in wtf.choco.dyson4j
Simple Dyson fan credentials.
DysonFanCredentials(String, String) - Constructor for class wtf.choco.dyson4j.DysonFanCredentials
Construct a new DysonFanCredentials.
DysonMqttMessage<R> - Class in wtf.choco.dyson4j.mqtt.message
Represents a supported MQTT message for a Dyson fan.
DysonMqttMessage(String) - Constructor for class wtf.choco.dyson4j.mqtt.message.DysonMqttMessage
Construct a new DysonMqttMessage.
DysonMqttMessageRequestCurrentState - Class in wtf.choco.dyson4j.mqtt.message
A DysonMqttMessage that requests the MQTT server to respond with the Dyson fan's current status.
DysonMqttMessageRequestCurrentState() - Constructor for class wtf.choco.dyson4j.mqtt.message.DysonMqttMessageRequestCurrentState
DysonMqttMessageRequestEnvironmentalSensorData - Class in wtf.choco.dyson4j.mqtt.message
A DysonMqttMessage that requests the MQTT server to respond with the Dyson fan's current environmental sensor data.
DysonMqttMessageRequestEnvironmentalSensorData() - Constructor for class wtf.choco.dyson4j.mqtt.message.DysonMqttMessageRequestEnvironmentalSensorData
DysonMqttMessageRespondable<R> - Class in wtf.choco.dyson4j.mqtt.message
Represents an MQTT message for a Dyson fan that expects a response from the MQTT server.
DysonMqttMessageRespondable(String, String) - Constructor for class wtf.choco.dyson4j.mqtt.message.DysonMqttMessageRespondable
DysonMqttMessageSetState - Class in wtf.choco.dyson4j.mqtt.message
A DysonMqttMessage that sets one or more of the Dyson fan's states/settings.
DysonMqttMessageSetState(Map<FanState<?>, MqttStateValueProvider>) - Constructor for class wtf.choco.dyson4j.mqtt.message.DysonMqttMessageSetState
Construct a new DysonMqttMessageSetState.
DysonMqttMessageSetState(FanState<T>, T) - Constructor for class wtf.choco.dyson4j.mqtt.message.DysonMqttMessageSetState
Construct a new DysonMqttMessageSetState.


EnvironmentalSensorData - Interface in wtf.choco.dyson4j
Represents a Dyson fan's environmental sensor data as queried by DysonFan.requestEnvironmentalSensorData().
ERROR_CODE_NORMAL - Static variable in interface wtf.choco.dyson4j.DeviceStatus
An "error code" returned by Dyson fans to indicate normal status.
ERROR_CODE_NORMAL_2 - Static variable in interface wtf.choco.dyson4j.DeviceStatus
An "error code" returned by Dyson fans to indicate normal status.
ERROR_CODE_REPLACE_FILTER - Static variable in interface wtf.choco.dyson4j.DeviceStatus
A (misleadingly named) error code returned by Dyson fans to indicate that the fan's filter should be replaced.
ExceptionalSupplier<T,E extends Throwable> - Interface in wtf.choco.dyson4j.util
Represents a supplier of results that is capable of throwing an exception during the supply.


FAHRENHEIT - Enum constant in enum class wtf.choco.dyson4j.setting.TemperatureUnit
The Fahrenheit scale (F°).
FanMode - Enum Class in wtf.choco.dyson4j.setting
The fan's mode.
FanModel - Enum Class in wtf.choco.dyson4j
Represents a supported Dyson fan model.
FanMqttConnectionHandler - Class in wtf.choco.dyson4j.mqtt
An internal MQTT connection client handler.
FanMqttConnectionHandler(DysonFan, DysonFanCredentials) - Constructor for class wtf.choco.dyson4j.mqtt.FanMqttConnectionHandler
Construct a new FanMqttConnectionHandler.
FanOscillation - Enum Class in wtf.choco.dyson4j.setting
The fan's oscillation state.
FanSpeed - Enum Class in wtf.choco.dyson4j.setting
The speed/power of the fan.
FanState<T extends MqttStateValueProvider> - Class in wtf.choco.dyson4j.setting
Represents a state that a Dyson fan possesses.
FOCUS - Enum constant in enum class wtf.choco.dyson4j.setting.FocusMode
The fan will focus air directly in front of it.
FOCUS_MODE - Static variable in class wtf.choco.dyson4j.setting.FanState
The type of air distribution focus.
FocusMode - Enum Class in wtf.choco.dyson4j.setting
The focus mode of a fan blowing air.


get() - Method in interface wtf.choco.dyson4j.setting.MqttStateValueProvider
get() - Method in interface wtf.choco.dyson4j.util.ExceptionalSupplier
Gets a result.
getAddress() - Method in interface wtf.choco.dyson4j.DysonFan
Get the InetAddress where this fan is located on the network.
getAddress() - Method in class wtf.choco.dyson4j.StandardDysonFan
getById(String) - Static method in enum class wtf.choco.dyson4j.setting.AirQualityMonitor
Get an AirQualityMonitor by its internal MQTT id.
getById(String) - Static method in enum class wtf.choco.dyson4j.setting.AirQualityTarget
Get an AirQualityTarget by its internal MQTT id.
getById(String) - Static method in enum class wtf.choco.dyson4j.setting.FanMode
Get a FanMode by its internal MQTT id.
getById(String) - Static method in enum class wtf.choco.dyson4j.setting.FanOscillation
Get a FanOscillation by its internal MQTT id.
getById(String) - Static method in enum class wtf.choco.dyson4j.setting.FanSpeed
Get a FanSpeed by its internal MQTT id.
getById(String) - Static method in class wtf.choco.dyson4j.setting.FanState
Get a FanState by its internal MQTT id.
getById(String) - Static method in enum class wtf.choco.dyson4j.setting.FocusMode
Get a FocusMode by its internal MQTT id.
getById(String) - Static method in enum class wtf.choco.dyson4j.setting.HeatMode
Get a HeatMode by its internal MQTT id.
getById(String) - Static method in enum class wtf.choco.dyson4j.setting.NightMode
Get a NightMode by its internal MQTT id.
getById(String) - Static method in enum class wtf.choco.dyson4j.setting.ResetFilterState
Get a ResetFilterState by its internal MQTT id.
getErrorCode() - Method in interface wtf.choco.dyson4j.DeviceStatus
Get the current error code of the device.
getExpectedResponseMessageId() - Method in class wtf.choco.dyson4j.mqtt.message.DysonMqttMessageRespondable
Get the id of the message expected as a response to this message.
getFriendlyName() - Method in enum class wtf.choco.dyson4j.FanModel
Get the friendly, human-readable name of this fan model.
getId() - Method in class wtf.choco.dyson4j.setting.FanState
Get the unique id of this fan state (used in MQTT communications).
getMaxValue() - Method in enum class wtf.choco.dyson4j.setting.TemperatureUnit
Get the maximum value accepted by a Dyson fan for this temperature unit.
getMinutes() - Method in interface wtf.choco.dyson4j.setting.SleepTimer
Get the amount of minutes in this timer.
getMinValue() - Method in enum class wtf.choco.dyson4j.setting.TemperatureUnit
Get the minimum value accepted by a Dyson fan for this temperature unit.
getModel() - Method in interface wtf.choco.dyson4j.DysonFan
Get this Dyson fan's model.
getModel() - Method in class wtf.choco.dyson4j.StandardDysonFan
getName() - Method in class wtf.choco.dyson4j.setting.FanState
Get the friendly name of this fan state, useful for display.
getName() - Method in enum class wtf.choco.dyson4j.setting.TemperatureUnit
Get the friendly name of this temperature unit.
getParticles() - Method in interface wtf.choco.dyson4j.EnvironmentalSensorData
Get the amount of particles in the air as a value from 0 to 1,000.
getPassword() - Method in class wtf.choco.dyson4j.DysonFanCredentials
Get the fan's password.
getPasswordHashed() - Method in class wtf.choco.dyson4j.DysonFanCredentials
Get the fan's hashed password.
getPendingMessages() - Method in interface wtf.choco.dyson4j.DysonFan
Get the amount of pending messages.
getPendingMessages() - Method in class wtf.choco.dyson4j.mqtt.FanMqttConnectionHandler
Get the amount of pending MQTT messages in the pipeline waiting to be received by the fan's MQTT server.
getPendingMessages() - Method in class wtf.choco.dyson4j.StandardDysonFan
getProductCode() - Method in enum class wtf.choco.dyson4j.FanModel
Get the fan model's product code.
getRelativeHumidity() - Method in interface wtf.choco.dyson4j.EnvironmentalSensorData
Get the relative humidity of the environment from 0 - 100 as a percent value.
getRemainingFilterLife() - Method in interface wtf.choco.dyson4j.DeviceStatus
Get the amount of time remaining (in hours) for the fan's current filter.
getSleepTimer() - Method in interface wtf.choco.dyson4j.EnvironmentalSensorData
Get the active SleepTimer.
getState(FanState<T>) - Method in interface wtf.choco.dyson4j.DeviceStatus
Get the active value of the given FanState as of this request.
getStateValue() - Method in enum class wtf.choco.dyson4j.setting.AirQualityMonitor
getStateValue() - Method in enum class wtf.choco.dyson4j.setting.AirQualityTarget
getStateValue() - Method in enum class wtf.choco.dyson4j.setting.FanMode
getStateValue() - Method in enum class wtf.choco.dyson4j.setting.FanOscillation
getStateValue() - Method in enum class wtf.choco.dyson4j.setting.FanSpeed
getStateValue() - Method in enum class wtf.choco.dyson4j.setting.FocusMode
getStateValue() - Method in enum class wtf.choco.dyson4j.setting.HeatMode
getStateValue() - Method in interface wtf.choco.dyson4j.setting.MqttStateValueProvider
Get the state value.
getStateValue() - Method in enum class wtf.choco.dyson4j.setting.NightMode
getStateValue() - Method in enum class wtf.choco.dyson4j.setting.ResetFilterState
getTemperature() - Method in interface wtf.choco.dyson4j.EnvironmentalSensorData
Get the temperature of the environment measured in Kelvin, or -1.0 if the temperature monitor is disabled.
getTemperature(TemperatureUnit) - Method in interface wtf.choco.dyson4j.setting.TemperatureLimit
Get the temperature represented by this TemperatureLimit in the given TemperatureUnit.
getUsername() - Method in class wtf.choco.dyson4j.DysonFanCredentials
Get the fan's username.
getValueType() - Method in class wtf.choco.dyson4j.setting.FanState
Get the Class of the value required by this state.
getVolatileCompounds() - Method in interface wtf.choco.dyson4j.EnvironmentalSensorData
Get the amount of volatile compounds in the air as a value from 0 to 1,000, or -1 if the volatile compounds sensor is still initializing.
getWarningCode() - Method in interface wtf.choco.dyson4j.DeviceStatus
Get the current warning code of the device.


handle(IMqttToken, Optional<Throwable>) - Method in interface wtf.choco.dyson4j.mqtt.ICompoundMqttActionListener
Handle an MQTT action.
handleResponse(JsonObject) - Method in class wtf.choco.dyson4j.mqtt.message.DysonMqttMessageRespondable
Called when a response has been received on the MQTT channel for this message.
handleResponse(JsonObject) - Method in class wtf.choco.dyson4j.mqtt.message.DysonMqttMessageRequestCurrentState
handleResponse(JsonObject) - Method in class wtf.choco.dyson4j.mqtt.message.DysonMqttMessageRequestEnvironmentalSensorData
hasPendingMessages() - Method in interface wtf.choco.dyson4j.DysonFan
Check whether or not this fan has any messages pending.
hasPendingMessages() - Method in class wtf.choco.dyson4j.StandardDysonFan
HEAT - Enum constant in enum class wtf.choco.dyson4j.setting.HeatMode
The heater is enabled.
HEAT_MODE - Static variable in class wtf.choco.dyson4j.setting.FanState
Heater mode.
HeatMode - Enum Class in wtf.choco.dyson4j.setting
The heater mode of a fan.
HIGH - Enum constant in enum class wtf.choco.dyson4j.setting.AirQualityTarget
Maintains a higher air quality for those sensitive to particles and pollutants.


ICompoundMqttActionListener - Interface in wtf.choco.dyson4j.mqtt
An IMqttActionListener that handles both successes and failures in a single method invocation as a FunctionalInterface.
isConnected() - Method in interface wtf.choco.dyson4j.DysonFan
Check whether or not a connection to the Dyson fan has been established.
isConnected() - Method in class wtf.choco.dyson4j.mqtt.FanMqttConnectionHandler
Check whether or not the internal MQTT client is connected.
isConnected() - Method in class wtf.choco.dyson4j.StandardDysonFan


KELVIN - Enum constant in enum class wtf.choco.dyson4j.setting.TemperatureUnit
The Kelvin scale (K).


MAXIMUM_TEMPERATURE - Static variable in class wtf.choco.dyson4j.setting.FanState
The maximum temperature (in Kelvin) that the fan will attempt to achieve in heat mode.
MESSAGE_ID_REQUEST_CURRENT_STATE - Static variable in class wtf.choco.dyson4j.mqtt.message.DysonMqttMessage
Dyson MQTT message id for "REQUEST-CURRENT-STATE".
MESSAGE_ID_RESPONSE_CURRENT_STATE - Static variable in class wtf.choco.dyson4j.mqtt.message.DysonMqttMessageRespondable
Dyson MQTT response message id for "CURRENT-STATE", sent in response to DysonMqttMessage.MESSAGE_ID_REQUEST_CURRENT_STATE
MESSAGE_ID_RESPONSE_ENVIRONMENTAL_CURRENT_SENSOR_DATA - Static variable in class wtf.choco.dyson4j.mqtt.message.DysonMqttMessageRespondable
Dyson MQTT response message id for "ENVIRONMENTAL-CURRENT-SENSOR-DATA", sent in response to DysonMqttMessage.MESSAGE_ID_REQUEST_CURRENT_STATE
MESSAGE_ID_STATE_SET - Static variable in class wtf.choco.dyson4j.mqtt.message.DysonMqttMessage
Dyson MQTT message id for "STATE-SET".
MODE - Static variable in class wtf.choco.dyson4j.setting.FanState
The mode of the fan.
MONITOR_AIR_QUALITY - Static variable in class wtf.choco.dyson4j.setting.FanState
Whether or not the fan will passively monitor air quality.
MqttStateValueProvider - Interface in wtf.choco.dyson4j.setting
A Supplier capable of providing an MQTT state value.
MultiStateChange - Interface in wtf.choco.dyson4j
Represents a multi-state change.


NIGHT_MODE - Static variable in class wtf.choco.dyson4j.setting.FanState
Night mode (not to be confused with FanState.MODE).
NightMode - Enum Class in wtf.choco.dyson4j.setting
The night mode of the fan.
NORMAL - Enum constant in enum class wtf.choco.dyson4j.setting.AirQualityTarget
Maintains "good" air quality for the average human.


of(float, TemperatureUnit) - Static method in interface wtf.choco.dyson4j.setting.TemperatureLimit
Get a TemperatureLimit instance of the given temperature and TemperatureUnit.
of(long, TimeUnit) - Static method in interface wtf.choco.dyson4j.setting.SleepTimer
Get a SleepTimer instance representing the given amount of time in the given TimeUnit.
of(Duration) - Static method in interface wtf.choco.dyson4j.setting.SleepTimer
Get a SleepTimer instance representing the given Duration.
of(ICompoundMqttActionListener) - Static method in interface wtf.choco.dyson4j.mqtt.ICompoundMqttActionListener
A utility method to satisfy the compiler where instances of IMqttActionListener are required by library methods, but an ICompoundMqttActionListener is used.
OFF - Enum constant in enum class wtf.choco.dyson4j.setting.AirQualityMonitor
The air quality monitor should be disabled.
OFF - Enum constant in enum class wtf.choco.dyson4j.setting.FanMode
The fan is off.
OFF - Enum constant in enum class wtf.choco.dyson4j.setting.FanOscillation
The fan is not oscillating, and pointing in a single direction.
OFF - Enum constant in enum class wtf.choco.dyson4j.setting.HeatMode
The heater is disabled (cool air instead).
OFF - Enum constant in enum class wtf.choco.dyson4j.setting.NightMode
The indicator on the fan is always bright.
OFF - Static variable in interface wtf.choco.dyson4j.setting.SleepTimer
The sleep timer is disabled.
ofHours(int) - Static method in interface wtf.choco.dyson4j.setting.SleepTimer
Get a SleepTimer instance representing the given amount of hours.
ofMinutes(int) - Static method in interface wtf.choco.dyson4j.setting.SleepTimer
Get a SleepTimer instance representing the given amount of minutes.
ON - Enum constant in enum class wtf.choco.dyson4j.setting.AirQualityMonitor
The air quality monitor should be enabled.
ON - Enum constant in enum class wtf.choco.dyson4j.setting.FanMode
The fan is on and blowing air.
ON - Enum constant in enum class wtf.choco.dyson4j.setting.FanOscillation
The fan is oscillating back and forth within a 90 degree area.
ON - Enum constant in enum class wtf.choco.dyson4j.setting.NightMode
The indicator on the fan is dimmed unless updated.
onFailure(IMqttToken, Throwable) - Method in interface wtf.choco.dyson4j.mqtt.ICompoundMqttActionListener
onSuccess(IMqttToken) - Method in interface wtf.choco.dyson4j.mqtt.ICompoundMqttActionListener
OSCILLATION - Static variable in class wtf.choco.dyson4j.setting.FanState
Whether or not the fan is oscillating.


populateAdditionalData(JsonObject) - Method in class wtf.choco.dyson4j.mqtt.message.DysonMqttMessage
Populate the message payload with additional JSON data.
populateAdditionalData(JsonObject) - Method in class wtf.choco.dyson4j.mqtt.message.DysonMqttMessageSetState
power(int) - Static method in enum class wtf.choco.dyson4j.setting.FanSpeed
Get a FanSpeed based on a number.
POWER_1 - Enum constant in enum class wtf.choco.dyson4j.setting.FanSpeed
Power: 1
POWER_10 - Enum constant in enum class wtf.choco.dyson4j.setting.FanSpeed
Power: 10
POWER_2 - Enum constant in enum class wtf.choco.dyson4j.setting.FanSpeed
Power: 2
POWER_3 - Enum constant in enum class wtf.choco.dyson4j.setting.FanSpeed
Power: 3
POWER_4 - Enum constant in enum class wtf.choco.dyson4j.setting.FanSpeed
Power: 4
POWER_5 - Enum constant in enum class wtf.choco.dyson4j.setting.FanSpeed
Power: 5
POWER_6 - Enum constant in enum class wtf.choco.dyson4j.setting.FanSpeed
Power: 6
POWER_7 - Enum constant in enum class wtf.choco.dyson4j.setting.FanSpeed
Power: 7
POWER_8 - Enum constant in enum class wtf.choco.dyson4j.setting.FanSpeed
Power: 8
POWER_9 - Enum constant in enum class wtf.choco.dyson4j.setting.FanSpeed
Power: 9
Preconditions - Class in wtf.choco.dyson4j.util
A utility class containing various precondition checks that will throw unchecked exceptions if conditions are violated.
Preconditions() - Constructor for class wtf.choco.dyson4j.util.Preconditions


requestCurrentState() - Method in interface wtf.choco.dyson4j.DysonFan
Request the device's current status.
requestCurrentState() - Method in class wtf.choco.dyson4j.StandardDysonFan
requestEnvironmentalSensorData() - Method in interface wtf.choco.dyson4j.DysonFan
Request the device's current sensor data.
requestEnvironmentalSensorData() - Method in class wtf.choco.dyson4j.StandardDysonFan
RESET - Enum constant in enum class wtf.choco.dyson4j.setting.ResetFilterState
Reset the filter's lifetime as though the filter was replaced.
RESET_FILTER_STATE - Static variable in class wtf.choco.dyson4j.setting.FanState
Whether or not the fan requires a filter change.
ResetFilterState - Enum Class in wtf.choco.dyson4j.setting
The state of whether or not a filter change is required.


sendMessage(DysonMqttMessage<R>) - Method in class wtf.choco.dyson4j.mqtt.FanMqttConnectionHandler
Send a DysonMqttMessage to the fan's MQTT server and possibly receive a response.
setState(Consumer<MultiStateChange>) - Method in interface wtf.choco.dyson4j.DysonFan
Set multiple states on this fan in a single query.
setState(FanState<T>, T) - Method in interface wtf.choco.dyson4j.DysonFan
Set a single state on this fan.
setState(FanState<T>, T) - Method in interface wtf.choco.dyson4j.MultiStateChange
Set the provided FanState to the given value.
setState(Consumer<MultiStateChange>) - Method in class wtf.choco.dyson4j.StandardDysonFan
setState(FanState<T>, T) - Method in class wtf.choco.dyson4j.StandardDysonFan
SLEEP_TIMER - Static variable in class wtf.choco.dyson4j.setting.FanState
The sleep timer (in minutes).
SleepTimer - Interface in wtf.choco.dyson4j.setting
Represents a timer (calculated in minutes) until the fan will automatically disable.
SPEED - Static variable in class wtf.choco.dyson4j.setting.FanState
The speed of the fan.
StandardDysonFan - Class in wtf.choco.dyson4j
A standard DysonFan.
StandardDysonFan(FanModel, InetAddress, DysonFanCredentials) - Constructor for class wtf.choco.dyson4j.StandardDysonFan
Construct a new StandardDysonFan.
supportsFeature(FanState<?>) - Method in interface wtf.choco.dyson4j.DysonFan
Check whether or not the provided FanState is supported by this DysonFan's model.
supportsFeature(FanState<?>) - Method in enum class wtf.choco.dyson4j.FanModel
Check whether or not this fan supports the provided FanState.
supportsFeature(FanState<?>) - Method in class wtf.choco.dyson4j.StandardDysonFan


TemperatureLimit - Interface in wtf.choco.dyson4j.setting
Represents a maximum temperature (represented in Kelvin) that a heater will not exceed.
TemperatureUnit - Enum Class in wtf.choco.dyson4j.setting
A unit of measurement for temperature.
to(TemperatureUnit, float) - Method in enum class wtf.choco.dyson4j.setting.TemperatureUnit
Convert the given value from this temperature unit to the given TemperatureUnit.
toCelsius(float) - Method in enum class wtf.choco.dyson4j.setting.TemperatureUnit
Convert the given value from this temperature unit to Celsius.
toFahrenheit(float) - Method in enum class wtf.choco.dyson4j.setting.TemperatureUnit
Convert the given value from this temperature unit to Fahrenheit.
toKelvin(float) - Method in enum class wtf.choco.dyson4j.setting.TemperatureUnit
Convert the given value from this temperature unit to Kelvin.


valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class wtf.choco.dyson4j.FanModel
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class wtf.choco.dyson4j.setting.AirQualityMonitor
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class wtf.choco.dyson4j.setting.AirQualityTarget
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class wtf.choco.dyson4j.setting.FanMode
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class wtf.choco.dyson4j.setting.FanOscillation
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class wtf.choco.dyson4j.setting.FanSpeed
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class wtf.choco.dyson4j.setting.FocusMode
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class wtf.choco.dyson4j.setting.HeatMode
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class wtf.choco.dyson4j.setting.NightMode
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class wtf.choco.dyson4j.setting.ResetFilterState
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class wtf.choco.dyson4j.setting.TemperatureUnit
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum class wtf.choco.dyson4j.FanModel
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class wtf.choco.dyson4j.setting.AirQualityMonitor
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class wtf.choco.dyson4j.setting.AirQualityTarget
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class wtf.choco.dyson4j.setting.FanMode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class wtf.choco.dyson4j.setting.FanOscillation
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class wtf.choco.dyson4j.setting.FanSpeed
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class wtf.choco.dyson4j.setting.FocusMode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class wtf.choco.dyson4j.setting.HeatMode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class wtf.choco.dyson4j.setting.NightMode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class wtf.choco.dyson4j.setting.ResetFilterState
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class wtf.choco.dyson4j.setting.TemperatureUnit
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.


WARNING_CODE_NORMAL - Static variable in interface wtf.choco.dyson4j.DeviceStatus
A warning code returned by Dyson fans to indicate normal status.
WARNING_CODE_REPLACE_FILTER - Static variable in interface wtf.choco.dyson4j.DeviceStatus
A warning code returned by Dyson fans to indicate that the faan's filter should be replaced.
wtf.choco.dyson4j - package wtf.choco.dyson4j
The core package of Dyson4J containing primary functionality and common-use classes for the API.
wtf.choco.dyson4j.exception - package wtf.choco.dyson4j.exception
Exceptions related to Dyson4J functionality.
wtf.choco.dyson4j.mqtt - package wtf.choco.dyson4j.mqtt
Classes handling internal connectivity to Dyson's MQTT servers.
wtf.choco.dyson4j.mqtt.message - package wtf.choco.dyson4j.mqtt.message
Classes abstracting away Dyson's MQTT messaging protocol.
wtf.choco.dyson4j.setting - package wtf.choco.dyson4j.setting
Classes and utilities pertaining to the various states and settings of a Dyson fan used throughout Dyson4J's API.
wtf.choco.dyson4j.util - package wtf.choco.dyson4j.util
General utility classes used in Dyson4J.
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