All Classes and Interfaces

Represents the different methods of activating vein miner.
Represents primitive information about an anti cheat installed on the server.
Represents a hook for an anti cheat plugin.
The default Advanced AntiCheat (AAC) hook implementation.
The default AntiAura hook implementation.
The default Grim AntiCheat hook implementation.
The default LightAntiCheat hook implementation.
The default Matrix hook implementation.
The default NoCheatPlus (NCP) hook implementation.
The default Spartan hook implementation.
A generic interface to get types and states from coordinates.
Represents a block face.
A list of VeinMinerBlocks.
Represents a set of x, y, and z coordinates in a world.
Represents a block with explicitly set states.
Represents a type of block.
Implementation of BlockAccessor for Bukkit Worlds.
A Bukkit implementation of BlockState.
A Bukkit implementation of BlockType.
A ChannelRegistrar implementation for Bukkit servers.
A Bukkit implementation of ItemStack.
A Bukkit implementation of ItemType.
Bukkit implementation of PlatformCommandSender.
Bukkit implementation of PlatformPermission.
Bukkit implementation of PlatformPlayer.
Bukkit implementation of ServerCommandRegistry.
Bukkit implementation of ServerEventDispatcher.
A Bukkit implementation of ServerPlatform.
Bukkit implementation of VeinMinerConfiguration.
Represents a registrar capable of registering incoming and outgoing plugin message channel handlers.
All supported legacy chat colour and format codes.
VeinMiner's client bound plugin message listener.
Represents a simple configuration that determines a client's ability to perform certain abilities per the server's discretion.
A builder class for ClientConfig instances.
A simple wrapper to more easily handle YamlConfiguration instances.
A method annotation to denote the documentation method of a plugin message.
An implementation of SimpleEconomy with no affect on the player.
A utility class to more easily operate with enums.
A Fabric implementation of ChannelRegistrar.
The client's state on a connected server.
Represents a player's game mode.
A simple component capable of being rendered on the Minecraft HUD.
A HudRenderComponent for the pattern selection wheel in the top left.
A HudRenderComponent for the vein mining icon at the user's crosshair.
Represents a stack of items in an inventory.
Represents a type of item.
A Runnable task that will read VeinMiner's playerdata directory and import it into a PersistentDataStorageSQL.
Represents simple legacy player data for the LegacyImportTask.
A program that will generate documentation in markdown format (and HTML tables) for VeinMiner's messaging protocol.
A direction in which a PluginMessage may be sent over the protocol.
Represents a field in a protocol message.
A target capable of being sent a PluginMessage.
Represents a unique key with a namespace.
A callable event when a player changes their pattern.
The cause for a PatternChangeEvent to be called.
A registry to which VeinMiningPatterns may be registered.
Utility methods for implementing VeinMiningPatterns.
A means of storing persistent VeinMinerPlayer data.
Represents a support type of persistent storage.
An implementation of PersistentDataStorage for JSON files in a directory.
An implementation of PersistentDataStorage for MySQL servers.
An implementation of PersistentDataStorage that performs no save or load operations.
A general abstract implementation of SQL-based PersistentDataStorage.
An implementation of PersistentDataStorage for SQLite databases.
A PlaceholderExpansion for VeinMiner's placeholders.
Represents a platform-independent command-capable object.
Represents a server permission node.
The group to which this permission should be attributed to by default if not explicitly set.
Represents a platform-independent player.
Called when a player toggles the vein mine state using a client-sided mod.
Called when a player uses vein miner.
Called when a Player changes their VeinMiningPattern either by command or with the client-sided mod.
Represents a message sent between client and server.
A utility class to allow for reading and writing of complex types to/from a byte array.
A client bound PluginMessage with no data.
A client bound PluginMessage including the following data: byte: A bitmask containing 3 booleans determining the client configuration Sent after the server has responded to the client's handshake, or when the server's configuration has been reloaded.
A client bound PluginMessage including the following data: NamespacedKey: The key of the pattern to set on the client Sent in response to the client sending the PluginMessageServerboundSelectPattern message, or if the server chooses to change the client's pattern.
A client bound PluginMessage including the following data: VarInt: The amount of registered keys Array of NamespacedKey: The registered keys Sent when the server wants to synchronize the keys of all vein mining patterns registered on the server.
A client bound PluginMessage including the following data: VarInt: The amount of block keys Array of BlockPosition: The block positions that were vein mined Sent in response to the client sending a PluginMessageServerboundRequestVeinMine.
A generic plugin message listener.
Represents a protocol definition by which plugin messages ("custom packets") may be registered and parsed in a more convenient and object-oriented way.
Represents an internal registry mapping plugin messages to ids and constructors.
A server bound PluginMessage including the following data: VarInt: protocol version Sent when a client joins the server.
A server bound PluginMessage including the following data: BlockPosition: the block position at which to vein mine Sent by the client to request a vein mine at the player's target block position.
A server bound PluginMessage including the following data: NamespacedKey: The key of the pattern the client wishes to select Sent when the client wants to change vein mining patterns.
A server bound PluginMessage including the following data: boolean: whether or not vein miner is active Sent when a client presses or releases the vein miner activation key bind.
Represents documentation for a protocol message.
A builder for ProtocolMessageDocumentation instances.
The result of a ray trace.
VeinMiner's server bound plugin message listener.
The server's command registry.
A platform-independent event dispatcher.
A bridge interface for various implementing platforms.
Represents VeinMiner's details.
A wrapper for economic transactions
An implementation of SimpleEconomy to make use of a Vault-supported economy plugin.
An UpdateChecker implementation that queries the SpigotMC API.
A utility class holding constants representing standard version schemes.
A general purpose metric tracker.
Various utility methods handy for tab completion.
A registry to which VeinMinerToolCategories may be registered.
Represents a simple update checker.
An exception thrown when an unexpected HTTP status code was returned when performing an update check and no other exception is applicable.
Represents a result of an update check from the UpdateChecker.
A class holding VeinMiner's core common functionality.
Represents a block understood by vein miner.
A type of VeinMinerBlock backed by a BlockState.
A type of VeinMinerBlock backed by a BlockType.
A type of VeinMinerBlock that passes all states and types.
Represents a rudimentary configuration for VeinMiner.
General purpose constants used throughout VeinMiner.
A manager for VeinMiner's general configurable values.
The Fabric VeinMiner mod entry class.
A player wrapper containing player-related data for VeinMiner, as well as a network handler for vein miner protocol messages.
A manager mapping players to VeinMinerPlayers.
The VeinMiner JavaPlugin class.
A container class for RenderTypes used by VeinMiner.
A class holding VeinMiner's core common functionality.
Represents a category of tools.
A more specific type of VeinMinerToolCategory whereby the hand category is being represented.
Represents VeinMiner's configuration for vein mining operations.
A builder for a VeinMiningConfig.
Represents a pattern used to allocate blocks for vein mining.
The default VeinMiningPattern that mines as many blocks in an arbitrary pattern as possible.
A staircase VeinMiningPattern that digs a 1x3 column either upwards or downwards.
Represents the direction in which a VeinMiningPatternStaircase may mine.
A tunnel VeinMiningPattern that mines a square tunnel in a direction.
A functional interface to compare two version Strings with similar version schemes.
General purpose constants used throughout VeinMiner.
A collection of factory methods for VeinMiner events.
Integration with WorldGuard providing custom flags.