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fromJson(JsonObject, CauldronRecipeRegistry) - Static method in class wtf.choco.alchema.cauldron.AlchemicalCauldron
Read the contents of the provided JsonObject into a new AlchemicalCauldron instance.
fromJson(NamespacedKey, JsonObject, CauldronRecipeRegistry) - Static method in class wtf.choco.alchema.crafting.CauldronRecipe
Read the contents of the provided JsonObject into a new CauldronRecipe instance.
fromPrimitive(String, PersistentDataAdapterContext) - Method in class wtf.choco.alchema.persistence.PersistentDataTypeEntityType
fromPrimitive(String, PersistentDataAdapterContext) - Method in class wtf.choco.alchema.persistence.PersistentDataTypeNamespacedKey
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