Interface CauldronIngredient

All Known Implementing Classes:
CauldronIngredientEntityEssence, CauldronIngredientItemStack, CauldronIngredientMaterial

public interface CauldronIngredient
Represents an ingredient usable in an AlchemicalCauldron defined by a CauldronRecipe.

CauldronIngredient is meant to be extendible. Should a plugin choose to add a new implementation of CauldronIngredient, the CauldronIngredientAddEvent should be listened to in order to inject custom implementations into a cauldron based on the item being thrown in. All implementations need to be registered with CauldronRecipeRegistry.registerIngredientType(NamespacedKey, Function) with the getKey() matching that of the registered key.

It is advised that implementations also implement Object.hashCode(), Object.equals(Object) and Object.toString(). While not required, it may improve the performance of hash-based collections.

Parker Hawke - Choco
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type Method Description
    @NotNull CauldronIngredient adjustAmountBy​(int amount)
    Return a new cauldron ingredient with the amount changed by the specified amount.
    @Nullable org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack asItemStack()
    Get this ingredient represented as an ItemStack, if possible.
    default @NotNull java.util.List<@NotNull org.bukkit.entity.Item> drop​(@NotNull AlchemicalCauldron cauldron, @NotNull org.bukkit.World world, @NotNull org.bukkit.Location location)
    Drop this ingredient as one or more Item from the provided cauldron.
    int getAmount()
    Get the amount of this ingredient.
    @NotNull org.bukkit.NamespacedKey getKey()
    Get the key for this ingredient type.
    boolean isSimilar​(@NotNull CauldronIngredient other)
    Check whether this ingredient is similar to the provided ingredient.
    @NotNull CauldronIngredient merge​(@NotNull CauldronIngredient other)
    Merge this ingredient with another ingredient.
    @NotNull toJson()
    Serialize this ingredient to a JsonObject.
  • Method Details

    • getKey

      @NotNull @NotNull org.bukkit.NamespacedKey getKey()
      Get the key for this ingredient type.
      the ingredient key
    • getAmount

      int getAmount()
      Get the amount of this ingredient.
      the ingredient amount
    • asItemStack

      @Nullable @Nullable org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack asItemStack()
      Get this ingredient represented as an ItemStack, if possible.
      the item stack. null if no item stack representation
    • isSimilar

      boolean isSimilar​(@NotNull @NotNull CauldronIngredient other)
      Check whether this ingredient is similar to the provided ingredient. The ingredient amount is not taken into consideration when comparing.
      other - the other ingredient against which to compare
      true if similar, false otherwise
    • merge

      @NotNull @NotNull CauldronIngredient merge​(@NotNull @NotNull CauldronIngredient other)
      Merge this ingredient with another ingredient. The result of this method should be a new ingredient with the combined amounts of this ingredient and the one passed.
      other - the other ingredient
      the merged ingredient
    • adjustAmountBy

      @NotNull @NotNull CauldronIngredient adjustAmountBy​(int amount)
      Return a new cauldron ingredient with the amount changed by the specified amount. The amount can be either negative or positive but must not result in a negative or zero amount (i.e. if getAmount() - amount is 0 or negative, an exception will be thrown).
      amount - the change in amount to apply
      the new ingredient
    • drop

      @NotNull default @NotNull java.util.List<@NotNull org.bukkit.entity.Item> drop​(@NotNull @NotNull AlchemicalCauldron cauldron, @NotNull @NotNull org.bukkit.World world, @NotNull @NotNull org.bukkit.Location location)
      Drop this ingredient as one or more Item from the provided cauldron.

      Default implementation of this method will, if not null, drop the result of asItemStack().

      cauldron - the cauldron from which to drop the ingredients
      world - the world in which the cauldron resides
      location - the location at which the items should be dropped
      the list of Item entities that were dropped. If none, the returned list should be empty, never null
    • toJson

      @NotNull @NotNull toJson()
      Serialize this ingredient to a JsonObject.
      the serialized json