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withFlag(KeyFlag) - Method in interface wtf.choco.locksecurity.api.key.IKeyBuilderSmithed
Assign the specified flag to the built key.
withFlag(KeyFlag, boolean) - Method in interface wtf.choco.locksecurity.api.key.IKeyBuilderSmithed
Assign the specified flag to the built key.
withFlags(KeyFlag...) - Method in interface wtf.choco.locksecurity.api.key.IKeyBuilderSmithed
Assign the specified flags to the built key.
wtf.choco.locksecurity.api - package wtf.choco.locksecurity.api
wtf.choco.locksecurity.api.block - package wtf.choco.locksecurity.api.block
wtf.choco.locksecurity.api.event.block - package wtf.choco.locksecurity.api.event.block
wtf.choco.locksecurity.api.event.key - package wtf.choco.locksecurity.api.event.key
wtf.choco.locksecurity.api.key - package wtf.choco.locksecurity.api.key
wtf.choco.locksecurity.api.player - package wtf.choco.locksecurity.api.player
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