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register(AlchemicalArrow) - Method in class wtf.choco.arrows.registry.ArrowRegistry
Register a custom AlchemicalArrow implementation.
reload() - Method in class wtf.choco.arrows.arrow.ConfigurableAlchemicalArrow
remove(Arrow) - Method in class wtf.choco.arrows.registry.ArrowStateManager
Remove an Arrow (and therefore its associated AlchemicalArrowEntity, if one exists) from the state manager.
remove(AlchemicalArrowEntity) - Method in class wtf.choco.arrows.registry.ArrowStateManager
Remove an AlchemicalArrowEntity from the state manager.
removeProperty(ArrowProperty) - Method in class
Remove a property and its value.
requestUpdateCheck() - Method in class wtf.choco.arrows.util.UpdateChecker
Request an update check to Spigot.
requiresUpdate() - Method in class wtf.choco.arrows.util.UpdateChecker.UpdateResult
Check whether or not this result requires the user to update.
run() - Method in class wtf.choco.arrows.util.ArrowUpdateTask
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