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init(JavaPlugin, int) - Static method in class wtf.choco.arrows.util.UpdateChecker
Initialize this update checker with the specified values and return its instance.
init(JavaPlugin, int, UpdateChecker.VersionScheme) - Static method in class wtf.choco.arrows.util.UpdateChecker
Initialize this update checker with the specified values and return its instance.
INVALID_JSON - wtf.choco.arrows.util.UpdateChecker.UpdateReason
The JSON retrieved from Spigot was invalid or malformed.
isCancelled() - Method in class wtf.choco.arrows.api.event.AlchemicalArrowShootEvent
isExtinguished() - Method in class wtf.choco.arrows.arrow.entity.ArrowEntityFire
isFuseFinished() - Method in class wtf.choco.arrows.arrow.entity.ArrowEntityFused
isInitialized() - Static method in class wtf.choco.arrows.util.UpdateChecker
Check whether the UpdateChecker has been initialized or not (if UpdateChecker.init(JavaPlugin, int) has been invoked) and UpdateChecker.get() is safe to use.
isSupportedMeta(Class<? extends ItemMeta>) - Method in class wtf.choco.arrows.util.ItemBuilder
Check whether the specified type of ItemMeta is supported by this ItemBuilder.
isValidKey(String) - Static method in class wtf.choco.arrows.util.NamespacedKeyUtil
Check whether or not the provided string is a valid key for a NamespacedKey.
isWorldGuardSupported() - Method in class wtf.choco.arrows.AlchemicalArrows
Whether WorldGuard support is available or not.
ItemBuilder - Class in wtf.choco.arrows.util
A utility class to assist in the creation of ItemStacks in the confines of a single line.
iterator() - Method in class wtf.choco.arrows.registry.ArrowRegistry
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